How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
Isaiah 52:7
Outreach is defined as reaching out to others, or becoming involved in a community or effort.
At HRUMC, Outreach is our faith in action, living out Christ’s love in and beyond our church walls.
We host Several programs and projects throughout the year that provide opportunities for compassionate service at the same time nourishing our Christian connections and relationships.
Programs we support through our Church donations, United Methodist Men, Mosaic Women Ministry and Youth Ministry:
S.W.E.S. (Southwest Emergency Services) SWES is a non-profit organization that assists clients in our neighborhood with financial difficulties. SWES provides a food pantry and financial aid (for anything from eviction/foreclosure, prescription assistance, emergency utilities and much more). SWES is United Way #2975.
Take Them A Meal is a program organized by the Mosaic Women for those in need of meals when there is sickness or injury that keeps folks down.
Prayer Blanket Ministry is a diverse group of people (all are welcome) that meet one Thursday out of every month to cut, knot and pray over each blanket made. The blankets are made with the love of God through the hands of His people. The group speaks about and prays for the recipient of each blanket. It is truly a mission of love.
Halethorpe Elementary School Food Bank is a service that we at HRUMC are thankful to be apart of. We have been blessed to give to help families throughout the year, but especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Halethorpe - Relay United Methodist Church
4513 Ridge Avenue, Halethorpe, MD 21227-4440